Welcome Back!

Welcome back everyone to the 2011-2012 academic year.

This year, I’m teaching MEC325 with Prof. P. Neumann, and MEC723.  My home page is http://deseng.ryerson.ca/~fil;  if you want to make an appointment to see me, please follow the make an appointment link on my home page.

All students are encouraged to explore the websites given above for the courses they’re in, to understand the layout and see how things will proceed during the semester.

Off to ICED

I’ll be at the Intl Conf on Engineering Design, for the whole week of August 15th.

I’ve never been to Copenhagen.  Looking forward to seeing all my European colleagues.

Oh, Joy! New Googley Things!

Google’s refreshing a bunch of stuff, finally giving Tasks the respect it deserves, and is introducing a (possible) Facebook-killer.  Read all about it here.